Apparently Jet and Audrey think that they did. Yes, it was an exciting afternoon for the 5 year olds in South La Grange. Kindergarten tea was yesterday afternoon. This is when the upcoming kindergarten class gets to see their new school, teacher and peers accompanied by their parents. Jet and I were walking up to school when my good friend Suzy and Jet's best friend Audrey stopped to give us a lift (the school is only 2 blocks away but we took the ride anyways.)
A little background here, Jet loves Audrey and vice verse. There isn't a week that goes by where I'm not tossing envelopes with pictures colored, drawn or painted for Audrey. One week I counted 15! Drives me crazy especially when he uses real postage stamps! Audrey lives across the street.
So as we walk into the school and all the mom's were holding and directing children to the classroom, Jet and Audrey left Suzy and I in the dust. They held hands, swinging them back and forth, giggled and didn't look back. Suzy and I debated whether to stick around to see the classroom or hit TJ MAXX instead. We didn't want to be labeled "bad mommies' on the first day so we stuck it o

In the classroom, Audrey and Jet found a small table to color on. Two other boys sat at the table though I'm sure our two totally ignored them. The mom's were whisked off to a lunchroom for tea/chat time .... consisting of water and alphabet pretzels .... while the kids stayed, colored, sang and met their new teacher. 45 minutes later we were back in the classroom and thus concluded Jet and Audrey's first kindergarten experience.
Both Suzy and I agreed that it was probably a good thing that next year Jet goes in the morning and Audrey in the afternoon. god help us when those two get into the same classroom ... not sure how much learning would go on!
One of the Best Value's in Chicago!!!

When you find a good value here, you record it! Well, for $1 per knife or $2 per scissors, you can get your utensils sharpened curbside. This gentleman comes around once a year with his sharpener to keep us all in cutting shape! He walks the sidewalks, bell ringing to draw customers out. He does a good business and stays in great shape. Definitely from the old country (Chicago has the highest polish/czech/romanian population outside of Eastern Europe), I trust nobody else with my cutlery. Thought you'd enjoy seeing old school and a great value!
The other big news beyond kindergarten tea was that Chris was promoted to President running the entire North America division of De La Rue (USA and Canada). We are so proud. He'll be busy and on the road a ton (lots of trips to Europe) but we'll make due. Question .... does this make me a First Lady? I think I need a new designer wardrobe for this role.
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