Yes ... after many years of saying no more pets ... we, like most parents, caved. We like to introduce you to Jet's newest friend that he fondly named, Happy Heart Ladybug. You've probably noticed that I'm putting plurals in behind the singular in the title ... "why?" you ask. Because on some days, Happy Heart's family & friends comes to visit because they miss him. I was a little leary at first but now I must admit, Happy Heart (H.H.) is an ideal pet. He lives in a container by Jet's bed. We've only had to feed him once ... adding leaves and a little dirt to the container and no toilet requirements needed. Our boys have built homes inside the container for H.H. and even used an old jewelry container as a pool/bath. Somedays, H.H. isn't moving around much, so Mom scoots him a little bit ... to get him going where he needs to be and create a little excitement. The newest trick is to check our bathroom each morning to see if H.H.'s friends and relatives have shown up for a party. We've had up to 4 sleeping over. Sometimes they've partied all night long and woke up a little hung
If you are considering a pet ... I highly recommend looking in your garden for these cheerful, friendly, compliant, quiet creatures. We find them most agreeable!
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