Do you ever feel that birthdays have totally gotten out of control? Well I do! These are no longer a "one"night affair ... there's the school celebrations, and usually a friend celebration. Well, much like major bigwigs, starlets and singers get to ring the final bell on Wall Street ... I'm sounding the final bell on the Reagan Birthdays. We had Charlie's school party Wednesday and I decided that even though a few families from his school are coming for a cookout this Saturday ... birthday season is closed.

Charlie's IEP was yesterday. There was a ton of prep work that myself and his psychologist completed prior to this meeting. It was discouraging as the school district decision maker did not attend the meeing and her input is needed for Charlie's next year placement. Now it means another meeting. Ick. As I have Cathleen on the clock - Charlie's psychologist - its getting costly.
Warmer weather is finally coming our way. We're suppose to hit the 60's tomorrow. Yes! We can get outside again. We have a new pet ladybug named Happy Heart that is currently living in Jet's room. The boys love Happy Heart and care is minimal so I'm loving Happy Heart too. Welcome to the family Happy Heart! May you gain many spots in our home.
Well to end on a bummer note, for those of you who remember our dear dog Corky, we received word today that she had passed. We feel blessed that she spent the end years of her life in beautiful homes surrounded by caring people. Restful for her ... not around crazy kids. Well, it saddens my day but I'm glad she's in a better place, she had a lot of arthritic pain.
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