One of the coolest park rides was the safari ride at Animal Kingdom. We got up close to so many cool animals in their enviroment. Charlie does a great hippo imitation now ... see picture to the left.
We made the mistake of going on the Kilamajaro water raft ride after the safari - early into our day - and getting absolutely soaked. It took a couple of new tshirts and the sun coming out to get us back into our festive mood. PS - Charlie has declared never to go on that ride again!
One luxury we - the adults of our group - did do was put the boys into Simba's camp at our hotel. I was worried because they were so exhausted after a long day at the park and pool. Chris and I enjoyed a nice bottle of South African wine and a South African meal at the upscale resteraunt at the hotel. We returned to get the boys only to be told that they weren't done yet (by the boys - not by their counslers) so off we went again for another glass of vino!
Now for that vacation to recover from our vacation ... we have another trip to Florida in the works, just Chris and I ... sans kids later this month for Chris's work. It will be welcomed!

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