That's what I couldn't get out of my mind on our latest adventure. How did we get here? It started with the ripping out of a very aggressive english ivy on our side yard. I kept finding worms ... big beautiful earthworms. Well next thing we know Charlie is digging up the worms for his 'pets' and putting them in a coffee tin. We talked him into not bringing his new 'pets' into the house by telling him that these were great to fish with. OK .... NOW you know how we got to the flooded fishing hole on a hot buggy Sunday. We first had to locate a spot to cast in. Since it was obvious that this river in a local forest preserve had also flooded last week(swampy banks, smelly odors and washed up trash were our first clues), it was tough to find a spot to cast in. We finally wound our way to the bridge. One side trash build up from the flood creating a dam and the other side (the side we opted to cast in on) brown muddy swirling water. No way a fish could see even 1/2" in front of him much less spot our worms from a distance.
Charlie had a "special" pole. It has a green plastic fish on the end that we were told is really good fish bait. Charlie can be a bit impulsive ... we didn't want any eyeballs poked out on this adventure!
So Jet cast in 4 times before his reel froze up. Charlie was fishing for fish and salmon. He was going to bring the fish home as pets. Somehow we don't think salmon is spawning in our local flooded creek.

We ended up packing up our bait and tackle, headed for the car and decided that we'd find a hole to cast in on our trip to Omaha where the floods hadn't effected the good fishing.
I guess for now Charlie's new 'pets' will be the big beautiful earthworms who reside in their very own home on our front stoop.
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