I'm not really dreaming of a White Easter but that's what we got! Last year short sleeves and the balmy 60's. This year, our neighborhood block egg hunt took place in 30 degree temps ... but on the positive, at least we saw sun which hasn't been visiting us much lately. Not that the weather matter at all to the under 7 crowd ... they had a blast and the turnout was great considering that we are in spring break too. I guess any excuse for seeing the neighbors after being cooped up for 5 months will work. This was the grand finale to our Easter Weekend that started with Egg dyeing on Saturday, the family easter morning egg hunt, our block's egg hunt at 1pm and our family easter dinner that evening. Now that Easter is over and the entire block
has vacated for vaction spots far away ... we have a whole week to fill with visits to the zoo, museum and laps around the block. Charlie's Bday is Thursday so this will fill some of our time. Much to my dismay, even Master Kim closed shop to take the week off so no Tae Kwon Do this week.

Come on Master Kim! This is the week we needed you most and we were on a roll! Oh well, next year we'll be tied into the school district breaks too when Jet starts Kindegarden. We're getting ready kindegarden. Jet had his 5 (YES 5) shots, his dental check-up (required in IL) and his vision test (also a requirement). Now we are just waiting for paperwork from the Ped to turn in his applications. We have a "tea" next month to meet his teacher, Mrs. B. Mrs. B is pretty awesome and the kids love her. She's been doing kindegarden at our school for 25 years.
To celebrate not being tied into school's breaks yet, we're heading to Disney World next month. The boys (all 3 of them) are pumped and so am I. We have lots already planned to see & do. We are staying on property.
Other than that, we're getting ready for summer. We will have Tae Kwon Do, swimming lessions, Camp Pride Korea and a trip to Omaha for a family reunion celebrating 50 years of marriage for Grandma & Grandpa. Our immediate hope however, is to break 60 degrees sometime in the next 4 weeks. I'm ready to pack away mittens, hats, scarves and coats (actually thinking about burning them after this winter). The UGGs that looked so cute in October are really hated right now. Anyways, warm wishes to you!
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