Ok, as if a 48 hour EEG wasn't enough head trauma for one week (see post below), Charlie ran into a post and got a gash at the very top of his scalp. This was last night @ 5:30pm .... so Jet is off to neighbors (Chris is in LA) and I'm off to the ER with Charlie. The admitting nurse said it could go either way ... a staple or none. So after three hours of sitting in a full ER lobby surrounded by flu victims, with a 3 year old past his bedtime and pumped up on Hawaiian Punch (bottled water hasn't made it to the vending machine in the La Grange ER), I decide that I'd better check on our status since those coming in behind us are now going ahead of us. Apparently, if you are not bleeding profusely, a fever and moan ranks you higher than an open gash. I was getting hot with the receptionist - yes, this is Jan ... not Chris ... but he's been a good role model. The security guard comes over to see what the issue is, takes a look at Charlie's gash and says, "Oh we had something like that happen too, my son hit my daughter on top of the head with a shovel and it healed just fine. We did nothing. I wouldn't wait if I were you". Well that's all I needed and off we went, frustrated, hungry and pissed off but at least someone gave us advice even if it was the security guard.
So we get up this morning and his cut still looks icky. I packed up Jet and Charlie and off the ER again. This time we got a nurse who at least could give us some direction .... Basically telling us "The ER's fuller than last night. The cut happend over 12 hours ago and they can't suture. Have you checked in with his pediatrician?". So off to the Peds office we go (after a swing through Starbucks for refueling ofcourse). His ped looks at his head and says, "This is pretty good size. Will leave a scar. Since he's Asian he may not have the balding pattern at the crown like Caucasians but if he hits it again before it heals it could really open up and be worse. You could see a Plastic Surgeon to see what he says ... here are two numbers." First call to one in our village and he's willing to see us immediately. Off we go to the PS (this whole time Jet is in his batman gear .... full gear: mask, cape, muscle outfit). The PS nurse takes a look at the cut and says "This isn't that bad". She cleans it and in walks the PS. He literally is in the room for 30 seconds. Here's what transpired. Looked at cut and said "Do nothing. It's fine". "What?" I reply. He says, "Do nothing. It will be fine. You won't see it in a month. What do you do for a living?" I reply, "Wipe noses and other area's". The remaining 25 seconds was discussion about the Korean print on his wall and off we went.
Now after a major time investment, probably major $$ too, I have a major headache!
Ahhh the life with boys!
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