Ok - here's the good news about a really busy week in January ... it's January and we'd do anything to make it go faster. We're past Xmas, and are REALLY REALLY ready for a warm-up. I'm starting off with the pictures above. Jet took his 4th test in Tae Kwon Do and was awarded a blue belt. The picture above shows Jet breaking the board with a hammer punch just after he broke the board with a side kick. He broke both boards on his first tries, completed his series of stances required for a blue belt and warmed up for the event with jumping jacks and a series of push-ups (push-ups being moving his tushy in an up & down motion) Master Kim is presenting Jet with his blue belt. All right, next level is brown then he goes to the high belts where things get much more difficult.
Last Saturday we had an impromptu family reunion at our house. Here's who came:
Grandma, Uncle Dave, Aunt Gina came in from Omaha,
Grandma, Uncle Dave, Aunt Gina came in from Omaha,
Great Aunt Doris from Southern IL
Cousin Mike, with wife Gariella & two kids: Chris & Andrew
Cousin Barb with Husband Todd & two kids: Megan & David
Well the boys just had a blast and it took all of 3 minutes to get know each other and begin playing.
They built blocks, played superheros, and balls for the evening in the basement.
Here is Jet with his 3rd cousins .... right?????
Well, we ate, talked, ate more talked more. Even some lively discussions ensued between David and Todd on hydrogen v. ethanol. Yes, it was between them because nobody else could get a word in edge wise and somehow they thought the louder they argued the better chance they had of winning the debate. We're all still recovering from that one! Bottom line, it was fun to get reconnected after a very long time and we're so happy that nobody had to die for this to go off!
Alright ... since it took me a 1/2 hour to upload pictures, I've got to run. Will update again soon.
(Uncle Dave sharing his love for the camera ... somethings will always remain constant.)
Here is Jet with his 3rd cousins .... right?????
Well, we ate, talked, ate more talked more. Even some lively discussions ensued between David and Todd on hydrogen v. ethanol. Yes, it was between them because nobody else could get a word in edge wise and somehow they thought the louder they argued the better chance they had of winning the debate. We're all still recovering from that one! Bottom line, it was fun to get reconnected after a very long time and we're so happy that nobody had to die for this to go off!
Alright ... since it took me a 1/2 hour to upload pictures, I've got to run. Will update again soon.