Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mom's Day Loot

One of my favorite blogs is our friends, the Murphy's, blog.  From their travels in India to their arrival back in the states, it's always very entertaining.  When I read Tracy's blog this week about Mother's Day, I felt a little remiss that I didn't share all the wonderful stuff I got on that very same day.  So here it is.  OK, first hugs and kisses from Dad and the boys .... those rank the highest.   After that ... and in no order .... I got a bouquet of flowers (signed Jet and Charlie but I know where they came from), a really cool art coffee mug created by Jet in kindergarten (I swear my coffee taste better out of this beautiful mug which is not dishwasher safe ... I have to save this from Chris's loading each night), Rosetta Stone - Korean from Chris to prepare me for Ah Ram's arrival in July/August.  I hope to speak a few more sentences of Korean than I do now (and by that I mean one Korean sentence would be more than I speak now).  AND finally, since Charlie was out of preschool last week due to his tonsillectomy and did not get to create a Mom's gift, I did my motherly duty and picked up these really cute, way cool sandals for him to give to me.  It was kind of double duty since I was taking care of Charlie's gift and stimulating the economy at the same time.   What can I say, I'm a multi-tasking mom.
It doesn't get much better!


Mel said...

Oh man! I LOVE those sandals!! You are the hippest busiest mom I know! hahaha.

A friend of mine used a combo of Rosetta stone and another language tool to learn Chinese before he went to China this year - he's pretty dang good at it, I'll find out what the 2nd program is!

flamingoquilting said...

Totally yummy sandals. Celebrating our 13th anniversary this weekend. Unfortunately, I tried mountain biking this week for the first time. I'm totally bruised and have poison ivy on my inner thigh. ;)