Friday, January 23, 2009

Funny Funny Boys

Our boys just make me giggle .... almost everyday.  Here's the latest from each:

Jet attends an after-school class called Cooking with Della.  Della is this sweet 60-ish Italian grandma (born and raised in Italy) who teaches this class.  Jet loves it and comes home with great food.  Well, I pick up Jet from class last Wednesday and Jet gets in the car and says, "Mom, for class on the 8th we have to wear make-up."  
Mom: "What ... why would you have to wear make-up"
Jet: I don't know that's what they said
Mom: Who said?
Jet: Ms Dell
Ok so I pull of pondering this whole wearing make-up to cooking class.  'why would they ask little boys to wear make-up?'  'do Italian men wear make-up when they cook?'  'is there some weird Italian holiday where the men wear make-up?'

Finally pulling into the driveway, I put it all together.  Jet's class the previous week had been cancelled.  I'm betting Della said something like this in her Italian accent: 
Next class is on the 8th.  It will be a make-up class for last week's cancellation.  So on that assumption, I will not be sending (or scarring) Jet by sending him to his next cooking class in make-up.

Charlie and I were eating at Noodles & Co yesterday.  In a table a few yards away from ours were a young 20-something couple nuzzling and kissing like they were on the Spanish Steps of Rome and not the stroller suburban mom hangout of Noodles.

Charlie pointing at the couple: Mom what are they doing?
Mom: Looks like their hugging Charlie 

By this time a few tables around us have tuned into our conversation and are smiling.

Charlie: Wow, that's beautiful.

More snickers from surrounding tables.

Charlie: I think they love themselves.

Now it's laughter that's erupting around us.

Charlie again: That's really beautiful.  They just love themselves.

Then all the sudden, my 4 1/2 year old is hugging my arm, planing a kiss on my cheek and trying to nuzzle my neck.  It was sweet but a little difficult to eat my Pasta Al Fresca (have you ever eaten at noodles ... it isn't cheap).  As for the young lovers ... totally unphased with their attentive, interested audience.  I don't think I was ever so elated to see a table leave!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let It Snow, Let it Snow ... Ok enough already

It's a snowy winter here in Chicago even by Chicago standards.  Usually by this date, we've had 15" but this year we have already tallied 36" (the snowiest start to winter sin.  Seems like every morning we awaken to the hum of the snow blower.  Oh, it's not all doom & gloom.  We have our share of sledding, snowmen and outdoor fun.  But when you are looking at the golf tournament in Hawaii ... well its a big weather tease that's not easy to take.  Blast you Tiger!

The next two months are the toughest from a weather standpoint.  The doldrums set in as we desperately seek new ways for child entertainment.  So much so that it trumps all other points of discussion with other Chicago parents.  This morning at the "Pump it up" birthday party we talked about what to do with the kiddo's during the next two months.  Discussions ranged from planetarium shows to bowling to babysitting exchanges.   IX-neh to the last suggestion.  I can't get my two boys under control much less the addition of other boys.  Speaking of which, the rug rats just invaded my blogging space & Chris is spraying highly smelly spray about an inch from me so until next time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Starting the New Year with a new virus!

Well as luck would have it ... all 4 of us got the crud immediately after school break began and Chris took vacation time for the holidays, including his birthday.  Hey ... don't make fun of my homemade cake ... it's dairy-free and eats better than the store bought stuff.
Jet ran a fever on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ... I followed him, remaining in bed the following Saturday, Charlie was next up and finally Chris is sniffling.  The good news was that we could keep the agenda pretty low beat since there were no great travels or plans.  The bad news is that it's a stinky way to spend the holidays.  It was a virus so there was no quick antibiotic fix (darn it) ... but it won't keep me from filling the "just in case - Amox script" that my doctor gave me
 as I was leaving her office ... it's like handing me a chocolate and saying "only open it if you are on the verge of starvation".  
Oh well,  Santa answered the call and delivered everything on the boys lists.  Oh by the way ... in this picture, the boys are not opening up presents on Christmas Eve ... no ... it's taken immediately 
following  the 5:30am wake up call by the boys bounding into our room on Christmas morning ... that's the reason it's pitch black outside the windows.  Well Santa and Grandma made sure it was a Star Wars Clone Wars Christmas.  We are well outfitted here on Kensington Lane should any aliens or Darth Vadar come a calling.   
Chris and I did make it to a neighborhood Christmas party and
 another neighborhood New Years Eve Party though it's hard to mingle without a voice.  The Demi Moore voice gave way to nothing by 9pm ... thus we were home by 10pm and asleep by 10:30pm.  We did make it for the New Years ring in for London ... that counts right?
So as we're rounding the bend towards the end of the holiday break, we celebrated with a visit to Chucky Cheese and are planning a visit to Legoland tomorrow.  It was AMAZING how everybody's spirits rose after Chucky.  Chris and I did sneak a quick date in.  We caught the movie Slumdog Millionare and sushi this afternoon.  Great flick by the way but not somethings that's going to be uplifting.  

Finally, a thank you and we'll miss you to our good friend Carol who has been working with our Charlie for over a year.  We love you Carol and will miss you.  Thanks for all that you do.  You've made a great impact on our family and in our lives!