The other excitement for the week was the big local village Pet Parade. It's a parade that is in it's 62nd year in our village. Really anyone can walk in the parade ... pet or no pet. We saw alpacas, llamas, goldfish, every dog (and rescue group) known to man, guinea pigs, camels, and even a boa constrictor. You throw in a couple of local marching bands, a few bagpipe groups, clowns and some old tired looking floats and it's a parade. The highlight was the candy tossing to the kids ... let's face it ... with all that I mentioned above ... it's kind of a kiddie mardi gras. We got there early and set up camp on the sidewalk in the shade. It's a huge deal ... a little Mayberry-esk ... that's part of the charm. We ended up near the announcer's stand so it was like one rolling advertisement after another for local businesses. The cutest ad was the camel with two humps who carried the sign for the local chiropractor ... "don't let your back look like this ... come visit La Grange Chiropractors". That gives you a little taste for the parade.
Charlie's last day of school is this Thursday. I'm not letting the grass grow underneath his feet though. The boys start summer camp on Monday (3 mornings per week). Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) I spend spring break with the boys with nothing planned. That one week motivated me to plan an action filled summer. We should have lots of good stuff to report.
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