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p the boat, the week after our last blog "the block party" ... Jet and I took a weekend excursion to see friends.
We spent a weekend with Tracy, Billy and KK (Jimmy & Tom were fishing .... meanwhile at home ... Chris was teaching Charlie how to retrieve beers from the beer fridge during the golf tourney). Since our visit was short ... flew in Saturday came home on Sunday ... we packed in Como Zoo, Korean meal, Splash park, pizza party and a park visit. It was great to see our old friends who were on a short visit stateside before returning to India. It was as if time stood still and our Bonnie/Clyde duo (aka KK and Jettie) who picked up without skipping a beat. As you can tell from the pictures a good time was had by all.

Upon our return, both boys picked afternoon swim lessons at our local high school. Charlie was in Stage One and Jet in Stage Three. Unfortunately ... neither advanced this year ... in fact it was in the second week of the two week session ... when Charlie was being carried around the pool by the high school crew that I was questioning our investment (time, money and sweat) in these lessons. Especially when
Charlie is a fish at our other pool (see pic) ... pushing off the wall in the deep end, jumping in the pool, practicing his strokes ... so needless to say, it was irritating to sit in the humid 102 degree auditorium and watch Charlie flirt and play scared. SOOOO we are going for round two on the swim lesson front, both boys are getting private lessons at our pool.
On June 28th, the boys completed their Tae Kwon Do testing and accomplished another belt level. Charlie is now a yellow belt and Jet is a red belt (1/2 way to a Black Belt). After high red,

One of the reasons I've been so slow to post is that I was in another 'assassin' knitting game making a summer tote. I was just finishing up the straps when I was killed. At least I got a really cool bag out of the deal.
Chris is busy in his new role. Since it's been officially announced, we can share that he is taking an equity position in the new company. It's really exciting and we're so proud of all his hard work. On a funny note, this blog caught the eye of the IT team prior to the official buy and announcement. Funny what comes up when googled. They were checking to make sure nothing was seeping out prior to the deal being announced. Ok ... so Chris tells me that the IT team told him that they read my blog ... my response ... Did they enjoy it. Chris "yes they said it was very good". "wow I thought ... a third party thinking my blog is great ... how cool is that". It took until after the boys were in bed and I had time to really ponder this that I realized .... "what are they going to say .... Chris your wife's blog sucks! Of course they are going to say that it's good. My bubble was burst. So big brother ... if you are out there reading this ... do you really like it?